SnowImager – a new way to determine physical snow parameters
Near infrared photography offers a new way to determine physical snow parameters, such as specific surface area (SSA), density and liquid water content. The SnowImager allows fast and accurate retrieval of two dimensional images with millimetre resolution. The SnowImager is jointly developed by SLF and Davos Instruments AG.

The SnowImager is an instrument that allows to take near infrared reflection images of a snow surface / profile. The main components of the SnowImager are a near infrared illumination system and two cameras to capture the reflected light. The housing of the SnowImager acts as a sun (light) shield.

Data Products
The reflectance images captured with the SnowImager allow to derive specific surface area (SSA) , density and liquid water content (under development) using specific post processing algorithms and calibrations. Typically several reflectance images are stitched together to form a larger image.

Results from the field
The SnowImager has been tested in different locations and environments. Data collection took place ins Switzerland, around Davos and at Jungfraujoch, as well as in Finland, Greenland and Antarctica. Snow surface area and density have been retreived from these datasets and compared to measurements of other type of instruments.
About us
Davos Instruments AG is a small company, founded in 2016. Its general focus lies on developing and manufacturing scientific instruments. The main field of expertise is precise measurement of (solar) radiation.
The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) is a world leading public institution in snow research, situated in Davos, Switzerland.
Proximity and common interest has led to this joint project. For the SnowImager, we have joined forces to develop a new easy to use instrument that has the potential to significantly improve snow characterisation.